terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2010

BOletim evoliano 11#

  • À procura de Homens entre as ruínas
  • O Gosto pela Vulgaridade
  • Recordar Rodrigo Emilio

"E Quanto àqueles que não gostam
de nos ver de braço ao alto
Temos só que lhes dizer
Que não há nada a fazer
E que vão ter que viver em constante sobressalto!"

Nas Ruas...


Título: Diário do Cárcere
Autor: Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Páginas: 72
Formato: Livro 14x19.5 cm
Preço: 8€
Descrição: Páginas escritas pelo Capitão da Guarda de Ferro durante a sua estadia na Prisão de Jilava. Esta não é uma obra sobre política, é antes o manifesto de um Chefe que, sentido que o fim se aproximava, aceitou voluntariamente o martírio para que o seu exemplo conduzisse à redenção da sua amada Roménia.
Esta obra inclui também alguns textos de outros autores sobre Codreanu, incluindo o importantíssimo prefácio escrito por Alberto Ezcurra para a edição Argentina, imprescindível para a compreensão da vida e obra de Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.

Estamos de volta!

Com a conversa do costume, com os hábitos do costume, virados para o costume, acostumados ao costume, para o costume!


sábado, 4 de dezembro de 2010

Desde Itália...

Campanha de Ajuda a Sem-Abrigo

Instituição de solidariedade apela à generosidade da população para fazer frente à vaga de frio que se faz sentir

A Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social (IPSS) Florinhas do Vouga esgotou o “stock” de cobertores para os sem-abrigo, devido ao frio que se tem feito sentir, e está a realizar uma campanha de angariação junto da população.
“Tínhamos algum ‘stock’ de cobertores, que fomos recolhendo durante o Verão, mas quando começou o inverno, as pessoas começaram a levar alguns e agora, com este frio, têm pedido muitos cobertores”, disse à Lusa Sandra Marques, assistente social das Florinhas do Vouga.
Esta instituição ligada à igreja diocesana vai comemorar o terceiro aniversário do projecto “Ceia com Calor”, durante um jantar na terça-feira, e está a pedir às pessoas que levem algo para oferecer aos sem-abrigo. “Estamos a pedir principalmente os cobertores ou sacos-cama”, adiantou Sandra Marques, que é também responsável pela equipa de intervenção directa, que actua junto da população sem-abrigo em Aveiro.
Além disso, todos aqueles que desejarem contribuir para esta campanha, com a oferta de cobertores, mantas e sacos-cama, podem entregá-los directamente na instituição.

sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2010

Menos Bla-Bla-Bla

Entrevista a Casapound

December 1st, 2010

For several years, CasaPound has been an inspiration for nationalists all over Europe. Weblog Oskorei would like to thank our Italian comrades for their inspiring work and for the following interview:

When and how was Casapound born?

Officially, Casapound was born on december 26th, 2003 with the occupation of a building Via Napoleone III in Rome. This occupation was performed by a group of visionary heretics linked together by the same vision of the world. In 2008, on the day of the solstice, Casapound Italia was born. It’s a web, throughout Italy, of bookstores, gyms, pubs, men and women not easily understood in a world of blinkered thinking.

What inspired the creation of Casapound?

For the challenges that come from struggle, the weight of experiences, the fascination of adventure, the priority given to social justice. All of this inspired the birth and rise of our community.

Why did you choose the name « Casa Pound » ?

We chose it to honour the memory of a great American, Ezra Pound, who was a poet, an economist, an artist and a fascist.

Are you linked to other organizations?

No, we don’t have political links with any right wing organization in Italy. We have friendly and respectful relations with many European groups.

Casapound is known for various social actions. Can you explain it to our readers?

Casapound is based around four principles: culture, solidarity, sport and (obviously) politics. These four domains can be seen as social actions in one way or another.

CPI organize book presentations, plays, concerts, debates about movies and has a monthly publication (Occidentale).

CPI fight against the crooks in our nation regardless of their political stance. For example: We are with the workers of ALITALIA who simultaneously filled fountains all around Italy with bottles containing the message “ SOS wreckage”. We also organized actions in hundreds of FIAT stores in order to bring light to the deceptive conduct of FIAT towards its workers. We filled Rome with dummies holding signs denouncing the high cost of living, rent, the power of banks and construction mafia. CPI interrupted TV shows that wanted to incriminate us in the events that happened Piazza Navona two years ago. CPI demonstrated a mock assassination of Santa Claus outside the banks.

CPI created low cost sporting clubs which help us in our fight against drugs and cheap cultural models. We have a soccer team in Lecce, a hockey team in Bolzano, and a rugby school/team in Rome which was born out of the occupation of Casa d’Italia Colleverde. In Rome we also have a water-polo team which after only two years will start in the B league. A few months ago, we also started a boxing club. Istinto Rapace was created in order to promote parachuting at an affordable price. We also give scuba diving lessons with our club “Diavoli di mare”. Our motorcycle club “Scudere 7punto1” also organizes social activities. On top of this, we have a mountain excursion club called “Muvra” which teach caving and mountain-climbing.

All of these initiatives demonstrate that we are a group, we live, we do sport, we fight and we are active also the during crises, such as the earthquake in l’Aquila. This experience led to the creation of disaster and emergency services within CPI. Their first official task was to help people in the north of Italy after the flooding.

Is it important for a nationalist also to have an ecological and social mind?

A nationalist that would not be interested in ecology and social causes would be an imitation.

What are the reactions of the left wing and the system toward your organization?

After years, we have garnered a lot of sympathy outside of our movement but the powers that be and their guardians consider CPI as something dangerous. This can only please us…

You managed to create a form of living counter-culture (I am personally a big fan of Zetazeroalfa). In Scandinavia we are still working on this. Do you have any suggestions to give us?

We think that we have to renew the language, symbolism, esthetics… if we can’t communicate with “the others” it is not always their fault. We try to communicate in a radical mode and renew our dream. We want to launch it and give it a new spin. It could be through music or art.

You also created a student organization, “Blocco Studentesco”, it is something we would like to start in Scandinavia. Do you have any suggestions you could give to our readers?

The “Blocco” currently has great success within schools and in universities. It comes after the work I mentioned earlier. We reformulated
our fight under the rule of the three E’s: Ethic, Epic, Esthetic.

In what ways is Casapound different from a political party?

Political parties are ruled by mediocrity. Their aim is to conquer seats. They suffer from a modern illness called democracy and, in its final stage, they suffer form the syndrome of being accepted… CPI is a group of individuals that don’t ask what to say or to do. The political parties are stuck in bureaucracy. CPI is agile. The parties are dead and want to please. CPI is liked because it’s alive… and doesn’t care.

What are your future objectives?

Retake everything.